Power Transformer Health Concepts
All matters affecting the health of a power transformer are discussed in this section.
Dissolved Gas Analysis
Use this free analysis template to analyse your dissolved gas data to establish general condition.
LEDT - Low Energy Degradation Triangle
The LEDT is a contemporary method to assess the condition of the transformer based on low energy incipient faults. It provides early detetcion of incipient faults which start off from low energy insulation degradation.
Case Studies
Review cases studies of power transformer failures.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Dornenburg's Method
The Dornenburg ratio method
makes use of the ratios of the concentration of the key gases hydrogen,
methane, ethane, ethylene and acetylene. The following ratios are used CH4/H2,
C2H2/CH4, C2H4/C2H6
and C2H2/C2H4.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Dissolved Gas Analysis Methods
Power transformers play a key role in any power network and must be
maintained and effectively monitored with continuous condition assessment to
ensure reliability of the network. Numerous techniques have been developed over
the years for the detection of transformer faults.
Some of the conventional
parameters used are dissolved gases, furfuraldehyde, degree of polymerisation
of paper insulation and frequency response analysis. Dissolved gas analysis has
been extensively utilised for incipient fault detection by some of the
following methods; key gas analysis [IEC60567], the Dornenburg [Dornenburg1],
Duval [Duval1], Rogers [Rogers1] gas ratio method and those highlighted in the ANSI /IEEE standard [IEEE C57.104]. Other advanced analytical
techniques explored are artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, data mining
and cluster analysis with the aim of identifying fault conditions within the
transformer.The next few sections provide a short review of the capabilities of the generally
accepted fault diagnosis methods.
Use the following link to the "Analysis" section to get the Rogers Ratio diagnosis of the oil samples. Enter the oil sample under "Sample 5" to get the diagnosis.
Dornenburg, E., Strittmater, W., “Monitoring Oil Cooling Transformers
by Gas Analysis,” Brown Boveri Review 61.5, pages 238-274, 1974
Duval, M., “A Review of Faults Detectable by Gas-in-oil
Analysis in Transformers,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 18, No.
3, Pages 8-17, May/June 2002
[IEC 60567]
IEC 60567, “Oil-filled Electrical Equipment – Sampling of
Gases and of Oil for Analysis of Free and Dissolved Gases – Guidance,” 4th
Edition, IEC Publication, 2011
[IEEE C57.104]
IEEE C57.104, “IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated
in Oil-immersed Transformers,” IEEE Power Energy Society, 2008
Rogers, R. R., “IEEE and IEC Codes to Interpret Incipient
Faults in Transformers Using Gas in Oil Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on
Electrical Insulation, Vol. 13, No. 5, pages 349-354, October 1978
Monday, May 9, 2016
Solubility of Dissolved Gases
Different gases/parameters have different solubility levels in mineral oil [DiGiorgio1]. It is important to correctly identify the levels of gases produced in the associated defective conditions before any dissolved gas analysis is attempted. The following table provides solubility levels of the gases in transformer mineral oil with a static equilibrium at 760mm Hg and 25 °C [DiGiorgio1]:
Table: Typical solubility levels of gases in mineral oil [DiGiorgio1]
7% by volume
The figure below provides some indication of the relative solubility of the combustible gases as a function of temperature [DiGiorgio1]. Gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and oxygen have an increasing solubility rate with increasing temperature. The hydrocarbon gases methane, acetylene, ethylene and ethane together with carbon dioxide have a decreasing solubility rate with increasing temperature. It is noted that both hydrogen and carbon monoxide are not very soluble at low temperatures but the solubility rate does improve drastically for hydrogen at operating temperatures around 70-80°C. The solubility rate of methane is moderate, decreasing with increasing temperatures. These aspects play an important role and must be taken into consideration when assessing the gas production rates as assessed from oil samples.
Figure : Relative Solubility as a function of Temperature [DiGiorgio1]
DiGiorgio, J. B., “Dissolved Gas Analysis of Mineral Oil
Insulating Fluids,” DGA Expert System: A Leader in Quality, Value and
Experience 1, Northern Technology and Testing, pages 1-17, http://www.nttworldwide.com/tech2102.htm,
Friday, May 6, 2016
Dissolved Gases
Dielectric oil and solid cellulose dielectric materials when degrading
under thermal and electrical stresses produce gases of varying compositions and
in concentrations relative to the severity of the stresses applied to these
materials [Griffin1]. These gases dissolve in the oil where the nature and
concentrations of the dissolved gases sampled provides a good representation of
the type and severity of the fault in the transformer [Rogers1]. The changes in
the gas production rates form key components in the determination of the type
of fault(s) involved where some specific gases form profiles for certain types
of faults [Gibeault1].
Dissolved gas data are obtained from oil sample testing [IEC 60567]. The most common gases analysed
from oil tests are hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4),
acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethane
(C2H6), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2),
oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) [Wang1].
The degradation of oil insulation material produces a fair amount of hydrocarbon compounds, which are composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms that are broken up into two distinct classes, namely aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons [Arora1].
Aliphatic hydrocarbons are further broken down into three groups, which are alkanes, alkynes and alkenes. Alkanes are composed of single bonds, alkenes consist of double carbon bonds and alkynes consist of triple carbon bonds [Arora1]. This means that more energy is required for the breakdown of double and triple bonds implying that less energy is required for gases such as methane and ethane and higher energy for ethylene and acetylene.
The degradation of oil insulation material produces a fair amount of hydrocarbon compounds, which are composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms that are broken up into two distinct classes, namely aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons [Arora1].
Aliphatic hydrocarbons are further broken down into three groups, which are alkanes, alkynes and alkenes. Alkanes are composed of single bonds, alkenes consist of double carbon bonds and alkynes consist of triple carbon bonds [Arora1]. This means that more energy is required for the breakdown of double and triple bonds implying that less energy is required for gases such as methane and ethane and higher energy for ethylene and acetylene.
The principle degradation product of low energy electrical discharges
found in mineral oil-filled transformers is molecular
hydrogen [Rouse1].
The decomposition of methane (CH4) into its elements starts
at about 578°C hence competes with its degradation to acetylene [Leroux1].
formation of ethylene and acetylene has been noted to be specific to
high-energy electrical discharges [Arakelian1]. At about 1327°C and higher, acetylene is more stable than other
hydrocarbons but decomposes into its elements thus indicating that the conversion
or splitting time must be incredibly short (milliseconds) [Leroux1]. The amount
of energy needed is very large and in the region of the favourable free energy.

All hydrocarbons release carbon dioxide and H2O as products of combustion [Arora1]. Studies have shown that the thermal decomposition of cellulose insulation produces carbon oxides (CO and CO2), some hydrogen and methane due to the oil impregnation [Kachler1, Wang1]. The oxygen levels in the transformer arise primarily from the atmosphere. Oxygen causes oxidation of the oil, which sustains the insulation degradation process [Liland1].

All hydrocarbons release carbon dioxide and H2O as products of combustion [Arora1]. Studies have shown that the thermal decomposition of cellulose insulation produces carbon oxides (CO and CO2), some hydrogen and methane due to the oil impregnation [Kachler1, Wang1]. The oxygen levels in the transformer arise primarily from the atmosphere. Oxygen causes oxidation of the oil, which sustains the insulation degradation process [Liland1].
Arakelian, V. G., “Effective Diagnostics for Oil-filled
Equipment,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 6, pages 26-38,
November / December 2002
Arora, A., “Hydrocarbons (Alkanes, Alkenes, and Alkynes),”
Discovery Publishing House, 2006
Gibeault, J. P., Kirkup, J. K., “Early Detection and
Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Key Fault Gases in Transformers and Shunt
Reactors,” Electrical Electronics Insulation Conference, Electrical
Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, IEEE Proceedings, Pointe-Claire,
Quebec, Canada, 1995
Griffin, P. J., “Criteria for the Interpretation of Data
for Dissolved Gases in Oil from Transformers (A Review),” Electrical
Insulating Oils, STP 998, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia, pages 89-106, 1988
[IEC 60567]
IEC 60567, “Oil-filled Electrical Equipment – Sampling of
Gases and of Oil for Analysis of Free and Dissolved Gases – Guidance,” 4th
Edition, IEC Publication, 2011
Rogers, R. R., “IEEE and IEC Codes to Interpret Incipient Faults
in Transformers Using Gas in Oil Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Electrical
Insulation, Vol. 13, No. 5, pages 349-354, October 1978
Kachler, A. J., Hohlein, I., “Ageing of Cellulose at
Transformer Service Temperatures. Part1: Influence of Type of Oil and Air on
the Degree of Polymerisation of Pressboard, Dissolved Gases and Furanic Compounds
in oil,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 2, pages 15-21,
Leroux, P. J., Mathieu, P. M., “Kinetics of the Pyrolysis
of Methane to Acetylene,” Chem. Eng. Prog. Vol. 57, pages 54-59, 1961
Liland, K. B., Kes, M., Ese, M. H. G., Lundgaard, L. E.,
Christensen, B. E., “Study of Oxidation an Hydrolysis of Oil Impregnated
Paper Insulation for Transformers Using a Microcalorimeter,” IEEE
Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 18, No. 6, pages
2059-2068, December 2011
Rouse, T. O., “Mineral Insulating Oil in Transformers,” IEEE
Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 14, Issue 3, Pages 6-16, May-June 1998
Wang, H., Butler, K. L., “Modeling Transformers with Internal
Incipient Faults,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, pages
500-509, April 2002
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Ageing Components and By-products: Organic
The power transformer basic components,
which are organic in nature, are the insulating oil and cellulose based
insulation (paper, insulation boards and blocks) [Heathcote1]. These components form the basis for the transformer
health or life, as these are usually the fastest degrading materials making up
the transformer [Emsley2].
Solid Insulation
Solid Insulation
The solid insulation is
composed of Kraft paper, pressboard, transformer board and cellulose made up of
electrical grade paper insulation manufactured from unbleached sulphate
cellulose [IEEE 60641-3-1].
Acid-hydrolysis, pyrolysis and
oxidation are processes, which causes the depolymerization of paper [McNutt1, Lundgaard1,
Unsworth1]. Oxidation is a process that is considered a form of combustion
where the products of the reaction are water and carbon dioxide. Pyrolysis and
thermal heating of the paper insulation produces significant amounts of CO and
CO2 [Emsley2, Griffin1].
Studies have found that Insuldur upgraded paper does not produce as much 2FAL as Kraft paper concluding that 2FAL cannot be used as an indicator of ageing for all paper types [Lundgaard1, Prevost1]. Although both water and oxygen play an important role in the paper degradation process, water is the most significant contributor because the catalytic efficiency of dry acids is low [Lundgaard1].
For thermal conditions such as pyrolysis in oil significant levels of ethylene are produced supported by hydrogen and methane [Wang1]. Arcing in oil causes significant levels of both hydrogen and acetylene to be produced [Kelly1].

Studies have found that Insuldur upgraded paper does not produce as much 2FAL as Kraft paper concluding that 2FAL cannot be used as an indicator of ageing for all paper types [Lundgaard1, Prevost1]. Although both water and oxygen play an important role in the paper degradation process, water is the most significant contributor because the catalytic efficiency of dry acids is low [Lundgaard1].

For thermal conditions such as pyrolysis in oil significant levels of ethylene are produced supported by hydrogen and methane [Wang1]. Arcing in oil causes significant levels of both hydrogen and acetylene to be produced [Kelly1].
Kraft paper has a cellulose base
that is composed of linear, polymeric chains of cyclic b-D-glucopyranosyl
units [Lundgaard1]. These chains consist of linear condensation polymer, which is
composed of a hydrocarbon glucose molecule that is formed by D-
anhydroglucopyranose units joined by ß 1.4 – glucosidic bonds. Paper insulation
has a general molecular formula of [C12H14O4(OH)6]n
with n in the range of 300 to 750 [DiGiorgio1]. The cellulose breaks down causing
the lengths of the chains to become smaller with the process generating CO, CO2
and H2O [Wilkinson1]. Other products produced during this breakdown
process like –OH and –OH2OH groups further promote the cellulose to become both
hygroscopic and vulnerable to oxidative degradation [Oommen3, Unsworth1]. Water
is found in the paper insulation as a vapour, absorbed to surfaces, as free
water in the capillaries and as imbibed free water [Du1]. The presence of
moisture plays a critical role in the life of the transformer insulation
Mineral Insulating Oil
Mineral Insulating Oil
Transformer mineral insulating
oil is composed from naphthenic crude oils which is a mixture of hydrocarbon
compounds of alkanes, naphthenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. Mineral oil has a
general molecular formula of CnH2n+2 with n in the range
of 20 to 40 [DiGiorgio1].
The transformer mineral oil
has numerous particles and compounds dissolved within it. These compounds are
as a result of byproducts in the degradation process or being introduced from
the external environment. The most common are dissolved gases, acids, water,
corrosive sulphur, silicon and furans. Insulating oil by nature has a low
affinity for water but the solubility increases significantly with an increase
in temperature. It is further highlighted that water can exist in transformers
in a dissolved state in oil, tightly bound to the oil molecules or as free
water [Du1].
[Cigre WG12.18]
Cigre Working Group 12.18, “Guidelines for Life Management
Techniques for Power Transformers,” Cigre, 22 June 2002
DiGiorgio, J. B., “Dissolved Gas Analysis of Mineral Oil
Insulating Fluids,” DGA Expert System: A Leader in Quality, Value and
Experience 1, Northern Technology and Testing, pages 1-17, http://www.nttworldwide.com/tech2102.htm,
Du, Y., Zahn, M., Lesieutre, B. C., Mamishev, A. V., Lindgren,
S. R., “Moisture Equilibrium in Transformer Paper-oil Systems,” IEEE
Electrical Insulation Magazine, 15(1), pages 11-20, 1999
Emsley, A. M., Stevens, G. C., “Review of Chemical Indicators of
Degradation of Cellulosic Electric Paper Insulation in Oil-filled
Transformers,” IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol.
141, No. 5, pages 324-334, 1994
Ferguson, R., Lobeiras, A., Sabou, J., “Suspended Particles in
the Liquid Insulation of Aging Power Transformers,” IEEE Electrical
Insulation Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 4, pages 17-23, 2002
Griffin, P. J., “Criteria for the Interpretation of Data for
Dissolved Gases in Oil from Transformers (A Review),” Electrical Insulating
Oils, STP 998, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
pages 89-106, 1988
Heathcote, M. J., “The J & P Transformer Book,” Thirteenth
Edition, Newnes, 2007
[IEEE 60641-3-1]
IEEE 60641-3-1, “Pressboard and press paper for electrical
purposes – Part 3: Specifications for individual materials – Sheet 1:
Requirements for pressboard,” IEC Publication, 2008
Kachler, A. J., Hohlein, I., “Ageing of Cellulose at Transformer
Service Temperatures. Part1: Influence of Type of Oil and Air on the Degree
of Polymerisation of Pressboard, Dissolved Gases and Furanic Compounds in
oil,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 2, pages 15-21, 2005
Kelly, J. J., “Transformer Fault Diagnosis by Dissolved-gas
Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-16, No. 6,
pages 777-782 , November / December 1980
L. E., Hansen, W., Linhjell, D., Painter, T. J., “Ageing of Oil-impregnated
Paper in Power Transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.
19, No. 1, pages 230-239,
W. J., “Insulation Thermal Life Considerations for Transformer Loading
Guides,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 1, pages 392-401,
January 1992
Oommen, T. V., Prevost, T. A., “Cellulose Insulation in
Oil-filled Power Transformers: Part II Maintaining Insulation Integrity and
Life,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 2, pages 5-14, 2006
Phadungthin, R., Chaidee, E., Haema, J., Suwanasri, T.,
“Analysis of Insulating Oil to Evaluate the Condition of Power Transformer,”
Electrical Engineering Electronics Computer Telecommunications and
Information Technology (ECTI-CON), pages 108-111, 2010
Prevost, T. A., Oommen, T. V., “Cellulose Insulation in
Oil-filled Power Transformers: Part 1- History and Development,” IEEE
Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, pages 28-35, 2006
Unsworth, J., Mitchell, F., “Degradation of Electrical
Insulating Paper Monitored with High Performance Liquid Chromatography,” IEEE
Transactions on Electrical Insulation, Vol. 25, No. 4, Pages 737-746, August
Wang, H., Butler, K. L., “Modeling Transformers with Internal
Incipient Faults,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17,
No. 2, pages 500-509, April 2002
Wilkinson, M. D., Dyer, P., “Continuous Moisture Management:
Extending Transformer Service Life,” IEE Conference Publication No. 482,
Vol. 1, CIRED 2001, 18-21 June 2001
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Ageing Components and By-products: Main Structures
A power transformer is
composed of a core, set of windings, oil, tank, bushings, tap changer and other
auxiliary equipment. Each of these components is manufactured from either
metals or compounds that are organic in nature. The different types of material
react differently to the different fault conditions and the rate of energy
release in the vicinity. This study examines the effects of the energy
dissipated and the rate of breakdown of the different materials. These
materials consist of kraft paper, oil, copper, steel and insulating boards.
The transformer tank is
manufactured from steel and houses the oil and active part of the transformer.
The tank has to be properly earthed and can sometimes be subjected to
circulating currents causing localized hot spots.
The transformer core provides
the medium for the flux path. It is usually manufactured from steel, which is
arranged as thin laminations for reducing the effects of eddy currents. These laminated
sheets are usually coated with a layer of special varnish or shellac [Gottlieb1].
The core arrangement is usually constructed in either the core or the shell
type arrangement. The core type arrangement is such that the magnetic core is
surrounded by the low voltage and high voltage windings [Heathcote1]. In the shell type arrangement the windings are surrounded
by the core. GSU Transformers are usually of the core type arrangement. The
core arrangement also can have a variation on the number of limbs. In a five
limb core type transformer the three phase windings are located in the inner
three core legs respectively and the outer legs on either side allow for flux
GSU transformers are
constructed as two winding transformers. The low voltage and high voltage
winding per phase are located in close proximity to ensure the maximum mutual
coupling between windings [Winders1]. The windings are composed of thin copper strands,
which are wrapped with paper insulation.
I. M., “Practical Transformer Handbook,” Reed Educational and Professional
Publishing Ltd., India, 1998
M. J., “The J & P Transformer Book,” Thirteenth Edition, Newnes, 2007
Winders, J. J., “Power
Transformers: Principles and Applications,” Vol. 17,
CRC, Allentown,
Pennsylvania: Marcel Dekker Inc., 2002
Transformer Life
Power transformers are
generally designed for an operating life of 30 to 35 years. However, depending
on how the transformer is operated, maintained and exposed to external risk
these values may be less. Over the last 20 years trends have indicated that the
transformer life has been much lower than expected. Even within Eskom, from
statistics since the early 1990’s it was found that the average life of the
larger GSU transformers was around 15 years.
A major contribution to
transformer failure is windings, leads, tap changer and bushings. These
failures are usually catastrophic to the transformer and in most cases the
transformer has to be either rewound or replaced.
The two major components
of the transformer that have the faster degradation rate are the oil and paper
insulation. These components degrade as a result of thermal, electrical and
chemical stress. Paper insulation degrades very early with elevated operating
temperatures. Chemical stress usually takes a long time to affect transformer
health and predominantly affects the oil. Electrical stress is the most
destructive and with rapid degrading mechanisms on both oil and paper
The key aspect of
transformer winding construction is the insulation of each conductor with paper
that is impregnated with insulating oil, providing at least a minimum life of
25 years at an operating temperature of 65-95 °C [Emsley2]. The end of
life of a transformer occurs when the mechanical strength of the solid
insulation in the windings was lost and failures are then triggered by severe
conditions like lightning strikes, switching transients and short-circuits
[Emsley2, Kachler1, Wang1]. Wang et al. highlighted that transformer failures
can be categorized as electrical, mechanical or thermal where the cause of
failure being either internal or external [Wang1].
Generator and furnace
transformers exhibit accelerated aging in comparison to grid transformers due
to the high loading factors [Kachler1]. Generator transformers are often loaded
to full rating, which can increase the aging rate due to higher winding
temperatures causing faster rates of insulation paper de-polymerisation
Insulating materials age
thermally and from chemical reactions occurring within the materials caused by
pyrolysis, oxidation and hydrolysis, which are accelerated by increased levels
of temperature, oxygen and moisture content [McNutt1, Wang1].
An unusual gassing state
defined as ‘stray gassing’ was identified as a phenomenon where some types of
insulating oils produced hydrogen and hydrocarbons when heated at low
temperatures of around 100°C to 120°C. However, the gas formation subsides to
plateau off and this gas level can be removed by filtering the oil [Hohlein1].
Bartley, W. H., “Analysis of International Transformer
Failures,” International Association of Engineering Insurers 36th Annual
Conference, Stockholm, 2003
Checksfield, M., Westlake, A., “Experiences with Operating and
Monitoring Generator Transformers,” IEE Colloquium on IET, Transformer Life
Management (Ref. No. 1998/510), pages 4/1-7, 22 October 1998
Emsley, A. M., Stevens, G. C., “Review of Chemical Indicators of
Degradation of Cellulosic Electric
Paper Insulation in Oil-filled Transformers,” IEE Proceedings - Science,
Measurement and Technology, Vol. 141, No. 5, pages 324-334, 1994
Hohlein, I., “Unusual Cases of Gassing in Transformers in
Service,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 1, pages 24-27,
Jablonski, M., Napieralska-Juszczak, E., “Internal Faults in
Power Transformers,” IET Electrical Power Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pages
105-111, 2007
Kachler, A. J., Hohlein, I., “Ageing of Cellulose at Transformer
Service Temperatures. Part1: Influence of Type of Oil and Air on the Degree
of Polymerisation of Pressboard, Dissolved Gases and Furanic Compounds in
oil,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 2, pages 15-21, 2005
McNutt, W. J., “Insulation Thermal Life Considerations for
Transformer Loading Guides,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No.
1, pages 392-401, January 1992
Wang, H., Butler, K. L., “Modeling Transformers with Internal
Incipient Faults,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 2, pages
500-509, April 2002